Legal Copyright Disclaimer: At IPTV ask we aim to provide a safe community where you can ask all questions about IPTV no matter how small they might seem.
The users of our tech forum ( IPTV ASK ) offer answers as tutorials, reviews or news related to IPTV.
We do not verify if the links, apps, services, or websites, published by our website users hold the proper licensing for media that they deliver.
We do not provide, manage, or re-sell any streaming solutions, no matter if it’s a service, app, or addons. And all of our website users/visitors must by solely responsible for media accessed and we assume that all of them ( our website visitors ) are complying with the copyright laws set forth within their jurisdiction.
All users should be cautious before downloading/installing any apps, and they must make sure to install them through respective app stores such as apple App Store, Google Play, Amazon App Store..
If you decide to use unverified apps, you should make sure to only stream and download content not protected by copyright such as works in the Public Domain.
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